Friday, March 6, 2009

Things i'm enjoying in 2009 aka. Time for reflection

With 1/4 of the year nearly over it's time for some reflection and evaluation.

My Score Card Thus Far

  1. Keeping fit -  7/10
  2. Eating Healthily - 7/10
  3. Self Development - 7/10
  4. Risk Taking - 4/10
  5. Being a good friend - 8/10
  6. Being a good son/brother - 5/10 to 8/10
  7. there are a number of other's there too but im don't feel like adding them. I do however ask the question...Am I too hard on myself?
Well??? am I?

1 comment:

  1. You are a real mensch, Adam For All Seasons. And you have more friends on facebook than anyone I know. So: greatness - 10/10; giver-of-good-facebook - 10/10.
